Terrorist Takedown 3 English Language Pack ((FREE))
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overall, the disruption of anti-muslim extremists would have been similar to a nuclear warhead. disrupting anti-muslim online communities was certainly useful – there would have been a huge reduction of material that supported is. however, if the threat of online content online posed is serious, then we need to go beyond the individual takedown of extremist content to address the real failings that the platforms have demonstrated.
as far as we are aware, this is the first time brenton tarrant’s account on an online community has been taken offline. by the time he had logged in to 8chan, an hour before the first attack, he had shown himself to be a frequent and active contributor to the platform. as he made clear in his, *ahem* posting, he was ready to do his part to attack the invaders. because of the way tarrant joined and left the channel, we are able to record the date and time when he used the account, when he left, and when he was taken down. this gives an average of approximately 3 hours and 36 minutes between each time an account was used, thus potentially providing a rough estimate of the efficiency of the tech team in removing infringing content from the web.
a code of practice is provided on the 8chan user agreement, *ahem* regarding the posting of hateful, violent, or otherwise illegal content, all of which tarrant would have been aware of as an active user prior to his account being taken down.
the levels and significance of this disruption activity are difficult to measure as there are few studies of online platforms that analyse the effects of their removal in specific detail. however, the reports of multiple agencies and independent bodies suggests that a level of disruption activity is occurring. based on tarrant’s written account to the commission, then, it is reasonable to assume that at least a portion of his online activities, and the associated memes, were curtailed as a result of his activities being noticed. this conclusion is supported by an analysis of the data presented in figure 4. by measuring the disruption of users, we show that active users on the platform are far more likely to be cut out of conversations than inactive ones. in fact, even when the latter may be more likely to be banned, that too is an indicator of the extent of their engagement. 3d9ccd7d82